Pine Valley Water Supply Project

The Pine Valley Water Supply Project will deliver a new 15 megalitre (ML) reservoir along with more than 8 kilometres of water pipelines.

The new infrastructure will deliver a safe and reliable water supply to the growing suburbs of Caboolture West, Morayfield and Narangba and is responding to an expected population growth of more than 100,000 new residents living in the area over the next 20 years.

Project Mobilisation and Construction

Detailed design was completed in late 2024. Construction is commencing from early 2025 and is expected to be completed by mid-2027. Our delivery partner for this project is Downer.

The new water reservoir will be constructed within Unitywater-owned land off Jacko Place, Morayfield. The underground water pipelines will be constructed along existing road verges and within existing easements on private properties to minimise impact on the natural and built environment. The project team has been working closely with the existing easement property owners throughout the design process.

Unitywater is committed to minimising environmental impacts and reducing the need to clear vegetation where possible. If areas must be cleared to make way for infrastructure, native revegetation is planned as part of the project.

Supporting Thriving Communities

The purpose of this project is to enrich the lives of our communities through ensuring the community continues to receive safe, secure, and reliable water services.

Unitywater will continue to sustainably upgrade and invest in water infrastructure to meet the demands of our growing region.

More information

Can’t find what you are looking for on this project webpage and want to know more? Please contact the project team:

Aleisha Billing
0437 841 193

The Pine Valley Water Supply Project will deliver a new 15 megalitre (ML) reservoir along with more than 8 kilometres of water pipelines.

The new infrastructure will deliver a safe and reliable water supply to the growing suburbs of Caboolture West, Morayfield and Narangba and is responding to an expected population growth of more than 100,000 new residents living in the area over the next 20 years.

Project Mobilisation and Construction

Detailed design was completed in late 2024. Construction is commencing from early 2025 and is expected to be completed by mid-2027. Our delivery partner for this project is Downer.

The new water reservoir will be constructed within Unitywater-owned land off Jacko Place, Morayfield. The underground water pipelines will be constructed along existing road verges and within existing easements on private properties to minimise impact on the natural and built environment. The project team has been working closely with the existing easement property owners throughout the design process.

Unitywater is committed to minimising environmental impacts and reducing the need to clear vegetation where possible. If areas must be cleared to make way for infrastructure, native revegetation is planned as part of the project.

Supporting Thriving Communities

The purpose of this project is to enrich the lives of our communities through ensuring the community continues to receive safe, secure, and reliable water services.

Unitywater will continue to sustainably upgrade and invest in water infrastructure to meet the demands of our growing region.

More information

Can’t find what you are looking for on this project webpage and want to know more? Please contact the project team:

Aleisha Billing
0437 841 193

  • Meeting with the community

    supporting image

    Our dedicated community engagement manager, Aleisha, has spent the best part of the last two weeks door knocking residents in the area who will be most impacted by works that will be happening within the Energex easement. She has been taking the time to understand their unique property needs, including access requirements and the safety of their pets, and has been explaining what they can expect during construction.

    Aleisha will be their point of contact for the project, so it's been great that she's been able to meet with so many of the residents in person.

    Aleisha is always two steps ahead of the construction schedule making sure that residents are advised well in advance of work beginning in the vicinity of their homes.

Page last updated: 18 Mar 2025, 11:58 AM