Will there still be a 21-day time limitation on an application once started?

    No, applications drafted within the portal will not have time limitations. You may start and keep as many applications in ‘Draft’ as you need before submitting them. Unitywater will carry out biannual checks of ‘Draft’ applications to ensure any abandoned applications are reviewed or deleted by the user. There will be no notifications/reminders for applications in ‘Draft’ in the portal.

    Will there be notifications/reminders in the portal for time-sensitive tasks once an application is submitted?

    Yes, there will be notifications for time-sensitive tasks once an application is submitted. For example, outstanding payment reminders and requests for information (RFI).

    Will a tax invoice be issued once payment has been made?

    Yes, a tax invoice will be issued once all required payments have been received and confirmed. Unitywater will send a confirmation email to your registered email address.

    Will the portal be used to view Decision Notices?

    Yes, once a decision has been made on an application, a Decision Notice will be available in the portal to view and download.

    Can I view Decision Notices for applications in the portal that I wasn’t involved in?

    To be able to see a Decision Notice for an application that you were not involved in, the applicant will need to grant you access to the development in the portal.

    How will an applicant give access to other users to view their development?

    To be able to see a Decision Notice for an application that you were not involved in, the applicant will need to grant you access to the development in the portal.

    When a decision is made for an application, will the result be available in the portal?

    Yes, the application outcome will be available to view in the portal. Applicants will also receive an outcome email, which will be sent to their registered email address.

    Will there be an option to add additional information to an application?

    For applications that require additional information, there will an option to upload additional documents. If it’s regarding a non-conforming design element, it can be detailed in the Statement of Alternate Solutions (SoAS).

    Will industry be given an opportunity to troubleshoot and work through applications in the portal prior to its implementation?

    Unitywater will be giving industry representatives, including Registered Certifiers, the chance to ‘test’ the portal so they become familiar with the new system, and give them the opportunity to ask questions and share feedback. There will also be more formal training available too. 

    Can permissions be set up so that when a user starts a new application, the permissions are automatically allocated to a selected group each time?

    The primary applicant will be able to give other users access to their applications using the ‘Manage Permissions’ function. Initially, these permissions will need to be set up and allocated per individual application, tailored on that application’s needs. We will consider this as an item for potential future enhancements.

    Will a draft Decision Notice be generated once conditions have been selected?

    A draft Decision Notice (DN) will not be generated within the portal. Draft conditions for the DN will be available for review on the ‘Conditions’ and ‘Review’ tabs within an application. The option to add special conditions to the DN will also be included on the ‘Conditions’ tab.

    Will the portal allow users to click on a property and see all the demand allocations for that property?

    The map within the portal will surface the current demand allocation for a property, which is shown as Residential EP (Equivalent Persons) and Non-Residential EP. The portal map will not surface the Forecasted or Ultimate Residential/Non-Residential EP demand allocations. To view the Forecasted or Ultimate EP for an applicable property, please visit Unitywater’s Netserv Plan Planning Assumptions Map. Within the map, select the relevant ‘Demand Forecasts’ layers from the Layer List to view any available information. Please note, this information may not be available for all properties in Unitywater’s service region.