Safety First: Responding to Heat Stress on the Waraba Project
The Waraba Wastewater Network Project is well underway and with the assistance of our delivery partner, Killard Tallai Joint Venture (KTJV), we are on track for completion by the end of 2025.
The project comprises of a new wastewater pumping station and 4.5 kms of wastewater pipeline to meet the future demand of the growing Waraba (Caboolture West) community.
While our crews were busy at work early this year, they encountered challenging heat wave conditions, with recorded temperatures of up to 42 degrees onsite.
On a particularly hot day, a crew member from BMD Group, working on our neighbouring construction site, noticed an electrical contractor who was in distress. After immediately calling for help, the unwell contractor was examined by the BMD site medical team who organised for him to be taken to Caboolture Hospital for further review.
The contractor was given a clean bill of health and discharged, and KTJV were proud to present the BMD team with a gratuitous safety award at the next toolbox talk. As a safety refresher, KTJV has been reminding all crew members of high heat protocols and supplying all crews with plenty of electrolyte replacements, cold water and ice.
On hot days, following high heat protocols is super important. For a friendly reminder:
- If you’re feeling unwell, notify someone immediately.
- Make sure you know where your closest rehydration station is.
- Be aware of the Heat Stress Temperature and alter or cease your activities in accordance.
- Ask your supervisor for electrolyte replacements if necessary.
- Know the signs and keep an eye out for any crew members who might need assistance.
Pictured: KTJV team presenting the BMD team with a gratuitous safety award for their assistance with a contractor during the recent heatwave.

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