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Update: Fire Hydrant Locations - Design and Construction

The SEQ Code requires several considerations for designers in relation to hydrant locations.

Unitywater is seeing a trend where designers are placing hydrants in locations that specifically address the crest or low point, however, are not achieving the required alignment with the side boundary. We would like to remind our partners that designers are required to consider crests and low points as well as +/-200mm from side RP boundary requirement. An SOAS must be provided when not achieving the requirements for +/-200mm from side RP boundary. If an SOAS is not submitted, the design is deemed to have errors and Unitywater would seek for these to be resolved. 

This is preferable at approval, or otherwise prior to, or at, pre start. If it has slipped through all those cracks and construction and installation has been completed, Unitywater will allow the installation and provide the certifier with written instructions as outlined above for future projects and monitor this where pre start has occurred prior to 30 June 2024.

Unitywater considers it acceptable for hydrant locations to be at or near crests and low points in order to also achieve the side boundary alignment requirement. This negates the relevance of a SOAS stating the crest or low point location prevents hydrants being placed in alignment with side boundaries.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. 

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